
  • 731 A man is seen with a baby
    • top30全对
  • 732 A woman with red hair
    • top30全对
  • 733 A golf course
    • 凭借人眼很难判断是否是高尔夫球场,需要上下文
  • 734 A recording studio
    • 正确率较高
  • 735 A toy vehicle
    • 正确率较高,很好奇怎么判断汽车是不是玩具的
  • 736 A person opens a door and enters a location
    • 很多图片只是伸手,不知道进去了没有
    • image.png
  • 737 A woman wearing (dark framed) glasses
    • 正确率较高
  • 738 A police officer wearing a helmet
    • 有人戴了头盔但不是警察,有人是警察但戴的是帽子
    • 把帽子当头盔了image.png
  • 739 Two or more persons are seen in front of a chain link fence
    • 只有铁丝网没有人
  • 740 A heavy man indoors
  • 741 A red or blue scarf around someone’s neck
    • 有人戴的不是scarf
    • image.png
  • 742 A child climbs an object outdoors
  • 743(最差) A man is talking in a small window located in the lower corner of the screen
    • 都不太对
    • image.png
  • 744 A person taking picture using a cell phone camera
    • cell phone camera not camera
    • image.png
  • 745 A person wearing gloves while biking
  • 746 A man riding a scooter
    • scooter好像是滑板车
    • image.png
  • 747 At least two persons are working on their laptops together in the same room indoors.
  • 748 A man carrying a bag on one of his shoulders (excluding backbags)
    • 应该是单肩包而不是背包
    • image.png
  • 749(最好) A person wearing any kind of face or head mask
    • 正确率还行
  • 750 A man with an earring in his left ear
    • 有的只有耳朵而没有耳环,有的是右耳戴耳环
    • image.png


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